Rumyantsev A. Evaluating the Stability of Supercomputer Workload Model // Journal on Selected Topics in Nano Electronics and Computing. 2014. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 36—39, DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 2

Computing and related issues of information and communication technology

Evaluating the Stability of Supercomputer Workload Model

Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Key words:
Supercomputer workload
stochastic modeling
dimension reduction
Summary: A multi-server model with simultaneous service and concurrent server release is considered. A stability condition of the model (under exponential assumptions) is presented. A method for fast evaluation of the stability criterion is obtained. The condition allows to verify the stability of a supercomputer at design time, provided that the governing sequence of tasks is known beforehand. The hpcwld package that provides R functions for the workload (unfinished work) evaluation as well as stability condition evaluation is discussed. The package can be obtained via Comprehensive R Archive Network. The results may be of practical interest to the designers and owners of supercomputers.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Is passed for the press: 28 december 2014 year